Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wed Oct 17


Today we read to the end of Chapter 14. Then we finished the film Into the Wild. It was a pretty dark ending.

Tomorrow I am away with my Grade Nine homeroom.

You will work on the Character Sketches for these four men:

Andy Harris                  Rob Hall           Doug Hansen                 Jon Krakauer

I did show the class what a Character Sketch was yesterday ... but If you are new here, what I am looking for is a written description of those men. Wikipedia and Smoop are your friends here.

Look also at the "Helpful Links for ITA" on the right-hand side of this blog. Please ... if there are nay questions, email me at Chasserhandin1 at gmail dot com and I'll do my best to be helpful.

If you are really really super worried about something, relax and we can take care if it Friday. You are all awesome. 

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