Monday, December 3, 2018

Mon Dec 3

Well, I'm not sure I'm actually dying, but certainly my throat did not like talking today.

I wanted to do the terms, but had to call that one off. We did do two tiny things : Analogy and Diction.

We finished The Thin Blue Line, though. And took up the homework for that one and Babu Chirri.

Then we watched this one

and got these quesitons for homework:

Questions on “The Last Lecture” by Dr. Randy Pausch

1.          So ... what is this guy’s problem, anyway?

2.          What was one really cool thing he talked about in this Lecture?

3.          Randy mentioned that he always wanted to be near his family - with so little time left, he spent a few minutes giving this lecture. What would you do with the same amount of time (about six months)?

4.          He gave this lecture for his children - with the same amount of time left, how wou8ld you create any sort of legacy for yourself?

5.          Why, do you think, that this Last Lecture has struck such a cord with the public?

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