Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wed Dec 19

I was back today - we got through a good chunk of presentations and then went and got Step Into Liquid finished.

A number of students didn't like the film. A film about exploring the world and filmed in Hawaii, Ireland and Tahiti among other places on the planet.

In any case.... we will be moving forward tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday Dec 18

Ok, so today is a bit of an emergency.

I'm not there.

Hopefully, you are watching the film "Step into Liquid"

Here are the questions for the film:

Step into Liquid

1.              Before watching this film, what are some of your preconceptions of people who surf a lot?

2.              What are three things you learned about surfing from watching this film?

3.              Do you agree there is some sense of the spiritual some of these people experience while surfing?

4.              Do you have similar experiences with this or another sport/activity that you do?

5.              Which “type” of surfer do you personally agree with: the competitive surfer or the recreational type of surfer? Why?

6.              How many thumbs for this film - do a review of this film that you might send to your buddy about whether or not you liked this film. About 80 words, please.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Fri Dec 14

So we finished off Super Size Me.

I also posted the rest of the questions on this blog. I embedded the questions into the posts with the assignments. Let me know in the comments if I've missed something.


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thursday Dec 13

Today we started watching a classic flick ...which was a request from the students. Questions are on paper and in the following link

Super Size Me...

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wed Dec 11

We are down to six days left

I was hoping to do something quick today and then let people put together their presentations for next week

Here are the questions for today's story:

Helping Other Best Cure for Loneliness
Page 356 Between the Lines 12

1.     So … what actually happened in this story? Can you write a 20 word or less summary of what happened during this story?
2.     How important is the fact that this story takes place in Edmonton? Could it happen here in Burlington?
3.     How does the writer lead you to think about overweight and wealthy people as being one way?
4.     What about the title of this piece … could you see this working for you? Has it worked for people?

5.     What is “the lesson” for us as members of this class that we can get from this piece of writing?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Monday and Tuesday Dec 11

Film Study Paper Clips

 1. A title is usually something that draws the viewer in. What did you make of the title of this film? Was it something that drew you, as an audience member in to the film? Why or why not?

 2. What really was the start of this project, by the way?

 3. Why did the White House reporters get themselves involved?

 4. Would you want to participate in this?

 5. What do you think of the believability of this film? 

 6. How many thumbs for this film? Why?

Friday, December 7, 2018

Thursday and Friday Dec 7

We did a piece of writing called "I am writing blindly" on Thursday.

On Friday the buy out killed the class. We did set up the film "Paper Clips" for ourselves and devled into the wonderful world of paper clips.

Here are the questions

On to Monday!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wed Dec 5

Well, we finished SUAS today - it will be added to the Journal assignments for this unit.

Speaking of which I will post the due dates tonight. I am sorry for being so tardy on this. I'm usually a lot better, but I've been fighting "a something" in my throat for the last few days.

We discussed the film and any homework that we've been doing up to this point, too.

We also talked very briefly about collecting the paragraphs for the DOAS unit, too.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tues Dec 4

Man, I got caught up and I'm writing this post rather late.

Today we chatted very briefly about the homework on The Last Lecture and we chatted about the task Two Presentation example. I will post the example when I get back to my laptop.

In any case, we also started to watch the film Shut Up and Sing, a documentary about what happened to the Dixie Chicks back around 2003. It's quite a film.


Monday, December 3, 2018

Mon Dec 3

Well, I'm not sure I'm actually dying, but certainly my throat did not like talking today.

I wanted to do the terms, but had to call that one off. We did do two tiny things : Analogy and Diction.

We finished The Thin Blue Line, though. And took up the homework for that one and Babu Chirri.

Then we watched this one

and got these quesitons for homework:

Questions on “The Last Lecture” by Dr. Randy Pausch

1.          So ... what is this guy’s problem, anyway?

2.          What was one really cool thing he talked about in this Lecture?

3.          Randy mentioned that he always wanted to be near his family - with so little time left, he spent a few minutes giving this lecture. What would you do with the same amount of time (about six months)?

4.          He gave this lecture for his children - with the same amount of time left, how wou8ld you create any sort of legacy for yourself?

5.          Why, do you think, that this Last Lecture has struck such a cord with the public?